Wednesday, January 28, 2009

meow meow its lisa ^-^
today was my first day of skol and i guess i was happi to see my friends again. missed them heaps and glad to see them again. we had assembly in the morning and OMG! the principal took ages talking lots of random stuff to us and it' weird seeing te new year 7 0.0 a lot of them look so cute and tiny, remind me of yr 1. ^-^ we got into our classes and yay i'm with my friends again ^-^ not all but some which is still good. the day went past so slowly and i got an assignment on the first day of skol. ==" lucky me and it's due next week!! but i didn't get any homework and i have good teachers except for pe and science ==" they like giving us lots of homework. the day was so hot too, when we were waiting forthe bus after school i was melting. so so so boiling hot especially on the bus. couldnt hold on probably and kept loosing my balance. not good ==
but overall it was okay, guess that's school and i'll have to deal with it for another 10 weeks. still in holiday mode and brain not working. almost fell asleep in english class today lol
episode 8 is finally out and took me ages to upload it cause my internet so slow. it's up now but youtube mute my video == i'm uploading on other sites with audio and thanks for watching ^-^ time to work on the last episode. should go now bye bye
*sasa signing off*